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Appsmith IT/Computers - Software

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About Company

Appsmith is building a product for engineers and developers. Our product is in very early stages (pre-product market fit), so we aren’t describing it in this document. The company is founded by alumni from BITS Pilani. In the past we have founded & sold multiple startups and also built products at other successful startups such as Exotel, Ezetap, Flipkart & Cure.fit.

 We are three founders - Abhishek Nayak, Arpit Mohan & Nikhil Nandagopal. Arpit & Nikhil have been engineers for many years and are building a product that they would have loved to use in their previous organizations. The startups we have built in the past have been funded by Sequoia Capital, Accel Partners, and YCombinator.