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Alpine Progressive Educational Society

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About Company

Alpine curriculum is designed to prepare the students to meet the challenging world of tomorrow and be a responsible citizen to the nation. WHY CHOOSE ALPINE Focus is on personalised learning. Individual attention to each child Activity based learning for deeper understanding of concepts beyond textual knowledge Experiential and Skill based learning Co-curricular activities are an integral part of curriculum for holistic development of child Spread over 6 acre of sprawling land with indoor and outdoor sports facilities. Big, airy and spacious air-conditioned classrooms to facilitate different learning strategies To build strength and endurance; all kind of indoor and outdoor sport facilities such as Indoor all weather swimming pool, Yoga and aerobics studios, Athletic track, Football field, Cricket ground, Lawn tennis courts, Basketball courts, Badminton courts and Skating rink Utmost importance is given to safety and security to each individual. Safety features include Monitoring done under IP Cameras with live access to parents, Centrally air conditioned school with temperature (heating and cooling) control , 100 % power and water back up, Fire Detection and Fighting measures as per the highest standards , Campus wide WiFi and Luxurious and comfortable school buses with CCTV & GPS tracking system.