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Angeles College

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About Company

Angeles College is committed to the educational preparation of its socially diverse community which it serves by creating a learner-centered environment that enables graduates to contribute to society through the application of problem-solving, critical thinking, and a deep knowledge of their respective discipline.
As part of the institutions Mission, the College strives for the followingVision:
Angeles College strives to become a center of academic excellence by providing educational programs that are learner-centered, interpersonally supportive, engaging, innovative, success-oriented, and technologically responsive to a rapidly changing student population, educational milieu, business environment, and to an increasingly global community.
In the Identity Statement:
Angeles College is a private degree-awarding institution located in Southern California. It offers a variety of academic programs predominately in various health-related disciplines, as well as in business management and other fields to meet the need for an educated workforce and to provide opportunities for graduates to pursue rewarding careers. In respect to health related programs, Angeles College seeks to improve human health and welfare by educating students to provide clinical, managerial, and educational services.
In self-reflection, Angeles College represents the following Philosophy statement:
Angeles College believes that one of the highest calling people can have is to serve other people. We believe that the purpose of education is to prepare the next generation of professionals who have the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to continuously improve the quality, safety, and effectiveness of health and human services, and to serve as dedicated and competent professionals and employees in the business community. Educators facilitate student learning by functioning as partners, role models, coaches, and mentors of students in their discovery of new knowledge.