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Ascension Consultancy

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About Company

As one of the leading institutions in the financial services industry, we strive to deliver the explicit needs of our customers by providing a top-notch sales training academy. ?? We adhere to the 'customer-first' philosophy in offering tailor-made solutions to build their portfolio and deliver professional advice that exceeds customers' expectations. ? Our firm adopts a one-stop solution philosophy that specializes in three different areas: (1) Wills & Trusts for Asset Distribution (2) Mortgage Financing & Refinancing (3) Investment Solution Services ? We aim to generate deeper insights of the ever-changing and dynamic nature of the finance industry for existing and potential clients to keep abreast of the latest market trends and developments. In line with this, we identify the best practices and develop skills through designing a customized sales training - Rising Star Academy - to provide first-class sales training for individuals to learn the ropes and close deals? more effectively.