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remote sales agents

About the Employer
Annual Salary
$Any - $Any

Job Description

Job Description

We are looking for someone who will act as remote sales agents for Allocacoc. This is a remote part-time job where your main responsibility is to search for potential clients in your own city who will either purchase the products for product placements, or sell the products through consignment deals. Your potential clients could be, but is not limited to, small boutiques, office spaces, co-working spaces, and hostels.


For this position, we offer you a competitive commission-based salary, along with a starter pack of Allocacoc products and materials to ensure you have a smooth start to approach your first potential clients.

Job Requirements

  1. Searching and following up leads in your towns/cities who are potential clients.
  2. Selling Allocacoc products to your potential clients with product placement or consignment deals.
  3. Monitoring clients and reporting to Allocacoc with regular updates.
  4. Following up on clients questions or requests.
  5. Becoming Allocacoc ambassadors by acting as a middleman and connecting each other for possible collaborations, such as limited-time promotions or other events.

How To Apply

Please apply to this job posting.