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5 Ways To Avoid Bad Salary Hike

Whether you’re new to job hunting or a seasoned pro, and whether you love the art of salary negotiation or dread it, the truth is that knowing salary negotiation tactics — and avoiding salary negotiation landmines — are key to obtaining the job offer you seek and deserve. this article focuses on salary hike techniques.

Watch out for the timing

Timing is everything. Asking for salary hike at the right will ensure you get it. If the company is doing good go for it and ask for a raise.

How you ask, matters

When asking for a salary hike, be straightforward about what you want and prepare to explain exactly why you deserve it.

Keep your expectations clear

Before you decide how much of a raise to request, do some homework to assess your market worth by talking to your network and to recruiters and checking out the internet.

Don’t play the ‘quitting’ card

Threatening to leave unless you actually get a bigger package could be dangerous. Even if your employer agrees to keep you on board, it can leave a bad taste in his mouth.

Don’t be emotional

Turn your mind into a blank slate. Quash your expectations, hopes or fears. Above all, overcome all neediness, the number-one deal-killer. Not needing this raise or promotion gives you power. Successful negotiation of any sort requires that you understand this fact and use it.


I think all these ideas are helpful to getting a hike in your salary. These five pros and cons which i have explained a very important to growth your organization and as well as your. If you follow these points in your day to day working life you will definitely avoid your bad salary hike procedure.

Source – Jobbuzz