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The New Era of Human Resources in Asia

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The evolution of the human resources in Asia has started a long ago with a steady progress in decreasing the costs, utilizing the resources more effectively, outsourcing other activities, and improving the overall aspect of operations. Still, the HR has to take a complete leadership role in the coming years. As a matter of fact, the HR must reskill themselves consistently by taking up global HR certification courses that can help them to know more about the nuances of human resources in Asia.

Now more and more HR operations are adopting the global practices in countries like Europe or North America. It is now high time to make the necessary changes to welcome dynamic innovation and transformation of HR in Asia.

Let’s take a quick look towards the facts of this new era:

  • Almost 75% of the workforce will be millennial by 2025.
  • 50% of the organizations in Asia have a problem in filling job vacancies.
  • 63% of the CEOs in Asia trust that the shift in workforce demographics will rapidly transform the landscape of business within five years.
  • 57% of the HR C-Suite leaders are concerned about their knowledge of leveraging the social media.
How to Prepare for the Future?

Let’s be frank, it’s easier said than done! The first step to build a solid foundation for the modern HR is to rethink and redefine your talent management. Try focusing on the end user. The second step is to leverage mobile in your organization. CEOs believe that mobile is actually strategic for the business which is why you need to get social now. The third step is to accept the reality of the cloud technology as the cloud-based system will grow by 58% in the next year.

Apart from these, the high-impact HR design principles must be incorporated. Start with the analytics and empowerment. Create a structure that accentuates the business design while still making the most of the HR expertise. Constantly mirror the business strategy and incorporate efforts across the company. Focus on optimizing business leadership , people skills among the managers, and HR performance as well. Additionally, HR practitioners must deepen their knowledge by enrolling in global HR certification courses.

The business challenges are rising every day. The changes can be difficult for the organization as they have to constantly work on their talent management strategy. Such scenarios demand a brand new organizational model for the HR as well. A massive reskilling of HR practitioners must be in priority which is why global HR certification courses are gaining popularity now. As the HR obtains credibility by having a strong understanding of the businesses, competitors, and environment, they act as one of the central roles for the organization.

To deal with the global economy, it is important to redefine the role of HR and it will have a greater impact on the business as well. According to research, inspired leadership is important for impacting the workforce and it is strongly linked to a positive work culture as well. The HR best practices in Asia is still lagging behind which is why it is important to adopt a more mature global approach and practices instead of the outdated approach. The Asia Pacific region is the largest one in the world and it is the right time to pursue dynamic transformation of HR to bring improved efficiencies. Obviously, there are significant cultural differences that can vary from country to country.

Greater alignment is needed in the strategies to spark inspiration amongst the employees.